New Year Resolutions for Caregivers

As a caregiver, you play a unique role in the life of someone else. You probably spend a great deal of your time focused on this individual, and sometimes, you may feel like you can’t balance everything. In this article, we discuss some possible resolutions for the New Year to help you on your journey as a caregiver.

Make Time for You 

While it may seem counterproductive to make time for yourself when you have a loved one to care for, it is actually much needed. You need to have enough physical and mental energy to handle the job, and that means making time for your own needs on a regular basis, whether it is an hour a week or 15 minutes a day. You need that time to recharge. 

Stop Feeling Guilty 

Some caregivers feel guilty if they cannot be present for their loved one 24/7. That guilt can make you feel like you are letting your loved one down, even if you have been giving it your all. Let go of the guilt and understand you’re only human. You might not always fulfill your role as caregiver to a T, but you’re trying. You’re doing the best you can. More than likely, your loved one sees that and isn’t going to condemn you for not being there every second of the day. Plus, to be the best caregiver possible, you need to take care of yourself first. 

Don’t Be So Critical of Yourself 

You might make mistakes along the way, but you are doing more good than you realize. When you look at yourself less critically, you can see just how much you are accomplishing for your loved one. Rather than dwelling on the negative, focus on the positive. Remind yourself that you make a difference. 

Get Organized 

You have a lot going on in your life when you consider everything it takes to care for your loved one along with a household, job, and all of your other duties. Have a calendar where you input all important dates for your home, work and loved one. Keeping your house orderly and organized can also help you manage your daily routine. 

Get Help 

They say it takes a village to raise a child and the same concept applies to being a caregiver. It takes a great deal of time, effort and work to be a caregiver, especially if you’re doing it alone. This year, you may want to make it not just a resolution, but a priority to look into home health care or hospice services for your loved one. 

Instead of doing it alone, Liberty HomeCare and Hospice Services provides an interdisciplinary care team dedicated to meeting the skilled needs of your loved one. This will take some of the stress off of you and give you time to care for your own needs. We provide home health, palliative care and hospice services wherever your loved one calls home. 

If you’re ready to have an extra hand this year for your caregiving responsibilities, contact Liberty HomeCare and Hospice Services today. We’re available for a free consultation by calling 800-999-9883 or using our online form.